Workout Move of the Month: The Bosu Ball Hop
“I am working really hard right now on feeling good, inside and out. Being active not only burns calories, but it also helps me clear my head and get focused.”
With three small kids, Jessica knows being active is important for keeping her body fit and her mind sharp. She’s also a firm believer that self-care includes exercise so that she can keep up with her busy family and lifestyle. The key: making time for some sort of physical activity every day. Jess loves to walk, but she also wants to increase her strength and set a good example about body image and confidence for her kiddos, too. Each month, she’ll share some of the moves she’s learned that are a great way to get the most out of your workout, too, whether you’re a mama to many or a busy gal on the go.
Alicia, one of Jessica’s trainer’s, go-to pieces of equipment is the Bosu ball. This half-platform, half-exercise ball might look a little weird, but it’s a super-effective way to add some oomph by way of balance to your favorite workout moves, like lunges, squats, planks, and push-ups. There’s a Bosu ball exercise for every skill level, from beginner to advanced, as well.
The Bosu Ball Side-to-Side Hop is a great place to start:
Place the round side of the Bosu face up on the ground. Put your right foot in the center of the ball and keep your left foot on the ground and to the left.
Replace the right foot with the left by jumping; your right foot will land on the right side of the Bosu (note: this is considered one rep). Repeat, jumping from side to side, for 20 reps.
Make this move a little more challenging by quickening your speed and/or holding onto a two- to three-pound weight as you hop.