How I Host The Superbowl
I love hosting the Super Bowl. There's nothing more fun than a house full of friends, endless snacks and football. Steph from Wham Bam Events always helps me add my personal touch to every party- big or small.
When it comes to throwing a Super Bowl party, you don’t need to spend much or go overboard to make it a hit. I thought that using Astroturf would be a cute alternative to traditional table coverings and runners, and I rented wooden farm tables from AAA rentals. We covered one table completely with Astroturf and then used the scraps to make runners on the other tables.
I always love to make small decorations to add a little sparkle to events when I can. This time it was as simple as spray painting some mason jars and dressing them up. I made a couple that looked like referees, footballs, and chalkboards. I got some decals made by DripdropStudio1 on Etsy, and used them on cups and some of the mason jars to add a personal touch.
I liked the idea of adding black and white stripes to this event because we weren’t using either teams colors for decoration, so we went with traditional football colors. The black-and-white popped and put a different spin on the usual “football” theme. Since I knew we were going to have a lot of little ones tagging along, it was important that they have a place to be, and things to do. It turned out that it was quite the rainy day, so I ended up making it very simple craft happen on the spot.
I didn’t have the staff to supervise something messy, so we went with a lace up chips and snack holder that the kids could decorate and lace on their own. Also, because of the rain, I was able to salvage some extra astroturf and fashion white duct tape along the sides and edges to look like field markers for a welcome mat.
Balloon Celebrations really save the day when it came to adding that special something to fill our big spaces and make the tables, entry, and living area feel festive. I really like the idea of a neutral football team because, no matter what the score, everyone wins!