Our Favorite Podcasts
If you have never listened to a podcast, there is no time like the present! Yes there is plenty to binge watch right now, but if you want to change it up here are some of our favorites that will make you forget about TV for a few days.
Team JS
To Live and Die in LA
(True Crime)
Within the first 10 minutes of this true crime podcast we were HOOKED. To Live and Die in LA follows the story of an aspiring actress who disappears from her Hollywood apartment in February 2018. The family asked a journalist (who also narrates the story) to help them investigate her disappearance and the story that unfolds has so many twists and turns you will literally be on the edge of your seat. This 18 episode series brings new meaning to the word suspense!
Over My Dead Body
(True Crime)
There are almost always three parts to every crime story: who did it, why they did it, and how they got caught. Over My Dead Body follows Dan and Wendi, a power couple who went from a blissful relationship to a terrible divorce and an eventual murder. This might seem like an open and shut case...but the murderer is not as obvious as it seems and as details unfold you won’t be able to wait to start the next episode.
Unlocking Us with Brene Brown
(Self Help)
Brene Brown can do no wrong in our book. She is a guru on human connection. She studies courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. And if you haven’t listened to one of her TED talks, you are missing out. One of our favorite lines she frequently says is, ”I believe that you have to walk through vulnerability to get to courage, therefore . . . embrace the suck.” Her podcast’s motto is: “Conversations that unlock the deeply human part of who we are, so that we can live, love, parent, and lead with more courage and heart.
99% Invisible
(Arts, Design, Architecture)
99% Invisible is about all the thought that goes into the things we don’t think about — the unnoticed architecture and design that shape our world. The episodes are each independent stories, so you can pick and chose what interests you. We love learning about little things like: Free Parking, Denim, or Ways of Hearing.
The Splendid Table
The Splendid Table is “a culinary, culture and lifestyle program, it has hosted our nation's conversations about cooking, sustainability and food culture and has introduced us to generations of food dignitaries.” What we love most about it- it talks about food, with people who cook it and love it. Stories, recipes, tips and tricks- if you weren’t hungry before you listened, you definitely will be after!
The Make Down
(Hair & Make-up)
We are loving this new podcast hosted by Christine Symonds (Teenie) and Jamie Greenberg. Teenie is an amazing hair stylist and has been doing Jess’s hair for years. Not only do they have a strong working relationship, they are close friends as well!
Teenie and Jamie have been in the beauty industry for over 15 years and the two have grown a friendship through working together on many fashion editorial shoots, commercial shoots, and red carpet moments with many of their celebrity clients. Through all of their collaborations, the pair have shared a love of bonding with the person in their chair. It’s never a dull work-day when these ladies have each other. On this podcast, the duo share conversations with people they consider masters in their craft to learn what makes them tick and what products keep them looking and feeling fresh and fabulous.