Meals I Can Make: Chocolate Frozen Banana Bites
The easiest delicious snackable treat! We love these Chocolate Frozen Banana Bites for the perfect afternoon pick-me-up. PS this is a fun one to do with kids after school!
Chocolate Peanut Butter Frozen Banana Bites with Sprinkles
Makes 20 banana bites.
2 bananas
Peanut butter (or any nut butter you prefer)
Dark chocolate chips
What you’ll also need:
Parchment paper
Cutting board or cookie sheet
Place parchment paper on top of cutting board or cookie sheet.
Slice bananas into approximately ¼-inch slices.
Place half the amount of banana slices on parchment paper.
Spread desired amount of peanut butter onto banana slices.
Place the remaining half of banana slices on top of the peanut butter to complete little sandwiches.
Place in freezer for at least 2 hours.
About 5-10 minutes before you pull them out of the freezer, melt your chocolate chips.
You can melt the chocolate chips either using a microwave or a double boiler. Note: you can easily make your own double boiler by taking a glass mixing bowl and placing it over a saucepan. Add water to the saucepan, bringing it to a simmer. Place chocolate chips in glass bowl or the top pan of a double boiler. Stir chocolate chips until they melt and it becomes a smooth chocolate consistency.
Take out banana bites from freezer.
Dip each one halfway into the melted chocolate.
Sprinkle on, either with a spoon or your other hand, the sprinkles. Make sure to add the sprinkles quickly as the chocolate will harden fast.
Place banana bites back on the parchment paper and in the freezer for an additional 20 minutes to allow the chocolate to harden.
Take your chocolate-dipped banana bites out of freezer and enjoy!
Note: keep remaining banana bites in the freezer until you're ready to eat or share. These usually don’t last more than a day in our house, but they can be stored in an airtight container in the freezer for 5-7 days.
Recipe Designed and Styled by Kara Stout